We are so fortunate to have seasons which are absent nearer the equator, there is a price to be paid for eternal sunshine.

Light changes with less sunshine, a natural time of hibernation with longer nights, I always think the nearer we are to following nature has got to be best.

So enjoy the times of snuggling on down, get plenty of sleep and keep warm, drink plenty of water (warm with a slice of lemon)and get outside in the fresh air as much as possible. If you are inclined to SAD get a lamp…


Exercise: do some, bodies love to move indeed they need to do so even gently

Hare posture opens up the chest and can be done standing or sitting.


Breathe: alternate nostril breathing helps cleanse the sinuses although rather unseemly if you have a cold already..yuk!


Outdoors: Get outside in the air if possible, take Vitamin D with calcium for to help bones and lack of sunlight


Gut keep it healthy take a probiotic, the original natural one without fruit, sugar and aspartame-Yakult. Co-enzyme Q10 helps the gut absorb vitamins and minerals.

Nutrition: eat simply, organically where possible (always with milk and meat products as they are full of antibiotics and hormones), as little processed as possible, comforting soups and nothing like a fruit crumble and custard for goodness sake! Enjoy.

Joints: cod liver oil and glucosamine with chondroitin…just showing off now!

Immune system: general antioxidant , Echinacea, (also pretty flower) zinc (take at night) and magnesium , a little extra won’t break the ban
and 1000 vitamin C, your stomach will tell you when you have had enough certainly supplement if you have been given antibiotics which will also attach flora and fauna of the gut.

 Hormonal system: oil of evening primrose and starflower, B complex if your mouth is on upside down (headstand in yoga helps with this too…think about it, don’t do it!)

 Inflammation: there is much talk at the moment that inflammation underpins most all disease. Curcumin in turmeric is helpful as a tablet or a hot curry regularly…

Brain and nervous system: eat well and breathe deeply gingko biloba for memory

Heart: Circulatory system folic acid and garlic


  1. Take a vitamin and mineral supplement daily (shops own brand is fine and cheap)
  2. Tonic-Floradix is marvellous stuff
  3. Rescue remedy for just about anything comes in sprays, gums, pastilles and creams these days
  4. Arnica for bruising
  5. Chocolate, what can I say, dark is best. Everything in moderation….

And a new you in Spring….!